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Fall 2021: A Return to School 

Your student's safety is our top priority here at Kirkland SDA School. We have been working diligently this summer on our safety plan for resuming in-person classes in the fall. No one can predict the future, however, at this time we are excited to announce that we have made plans and are again approved to open the school year for

"in-person" classes starting this fall. The state superintendent reconfirmed this with our private school organization, the Washington Federation of Independent Schools (WFIS). Our school has traditionally always had small class sizes to allow for more teacher and student interaction and learning. This allows us to resume in-person classes because we are able to provide appropriate social distancing and necessary contact tracing if needed to keep our students, families, teachers and community safe. Please read our safety management plan below, where we explain the noticeable changes to our campus safety policies and procedures, such as wearing masks on campus, even if you are vaccinated, in accordance with the Washington State Department of Health's guidelines.  


We continue to have faith in our God that He will guide us through these new challenging times. We thank you for your confidence in us as we continue to work in partnership to provide a well-rounded Christian educational experience to our students. 


For more information, please click on the information below.   

Parent FAQs

2020-2021 School Year 

KSDA School is prepared to do what it takes to make in-person learning a reality, however we can’t do it alone. In-person learning is dependent on the partnership between parents, students, faculty and staff. We ask that in conjunction with the parent guide, that we all do our best to minimize unnecessary contact outside of school so we can continue to learn together. This year we ask for your patience as we adjust to the new requirements. We look forward to connecting with our students in-person and can’t wait to get back to learning. 


Q: What steps have you taken to ensure student health and safety?

A: To ensure student safety, we have:

  • Placed informational and procedural signage throughout the school.

  • Installed touchless hand sanitizer stations located at each building entrance.

  • Scheduled the installation of true HEPA filtrations systems (which will filter the air every 30 minutes).

  • Equipped the gymnasium with high volume air movers (that meet suggested guidelines).  

  • Placed plastic safety barriers to safely distance students six feet apart.

  • Replaced upholstered chairs with plastic chairs and items such as stuffed animals and pillows have been stored away.

  • Purchased new desks to provide social distancing of six feet.

  • Purchased vector foggers, and classrooms will be deep cleaned daily with HOCL as a safe, non-toxic, food-grade disinfectant.  


In addition, to also ensure student safety, we will have:

  • Classroom surfaces and high traffic areas are cleaned throughout the day.

  • Restrooms sanitized multiple times throughout the day.

  • Distancing guidelines for students during transitions, lines and while using lockers.

  • Drinking fountains disabled and replaced with touch-less filtered water filling stations. Students are encouraged to bring a clean water bottle each day.

  • Require hand-washing throughout the day.

  • Face coverings required in the classroom and outside when social distancing is not obtainable. Face covering breaks will be allowed under supervised conditions when students are outside.

  • KSDA and PSAA implement state, county and professional organization safety guidelines and recommendations.


Q: Do you still offer Morning Care (7:30 a.m.) and Extended Care (Monday-Thursday 3:30-6:00 p.m.; Friday 2:00-4:00 p.m.)? 

A: Yes, but we are requiring reservations for this service. To respect the time of our Extended Care staff, we ask that you pick up your students on or before the care time. We will be charging a late fee of $20 per 15 minute period for late pick-ups. To reserve a spot, please contact the front office.


Q: What will morning drop-off (8:00 a.m.) look like? 

A: Make sure that your student is wearing the appropriate face covering, either cloth face masks and/or face shields (if appropriately aligned with state guidelines). We ask that you park by the concrete slab in front of buildings A and B. If those spots are full, please park in the slots by the field or playground and proceed to accompany your student(s) to the concrete slab. Students will wait on the socially distanced marks on the concrete while waiting to have their temperature checked. If lines are long, we ask that students wait in their parent’s vehicles until the line has shortened. Before your child continues to class, please wait until it has been confirmed that your student doesn’t have a temperature of 100.4 F or higher. 


Q: What will after school pick-up look like (Monday-Thursday, 3:15-3:30 p.m.; Friday 1:45-2:00 p.m.)?

A: Please form two lines in the parking lots of Buildings A and B and remain in your vehicle while waiting for your student. 


Q: Will hot lunch be provided?

A: No. And unfortunately, microwaves will not be an option in the classrooms.  Students are asked to bring a cold sack lunch (thermos use is allowed). Students will eat lunch with their cohort in their classroom. High school students will be assigned a classroom according to their grade. Students will be instructed to wash their hands before and after lunch; they are allowed to be mask-free while eating. Students will maintain proper distancing during lunch. 


Q: Will there be extracurricular activities? 

A: Except for the KSDA yearbook, extracurricular activities have been postponed. 


Q: What happens if the school decides or needs to switch over to distance learning?

A: Distant learners will have the same class schedule as in-person students and are required to use Google Classroom for involvement. We hold distance learners to the same high standard and require them to do the following: be on time and ready for attendance, have a live video feed showing their face, wear appropriate attire and maintain personal grooming, refrain from eating during class, have good classroom behavior, avoid attention-seeking behaviors such as changing the screen name or backgrounds, and improper use of emojis, stay seated at a desk/table during presentations and submit work digitally. Textbooks and other materials will be available for pickup on Thursday, September 3.


Q: How will students stay connected, either in-person or via distance learning? 

A: Students will be issued a school email to be used for school purposes only. 


Q: Will you be providing music classes?

A: Yes, with the help of extensive studies by the National Federation of State High School Association and the National Association of Music Education we can safely and effectively provide a modified plan for music education. We will mask every instrument, maintain proper distancing, keep up with proper hygiene for both students and their instruments, filter and provide proper airflow, reduce playing/singing to 30 minutes and provide a smaller ensemble of 8-12 voices for choir. 


Q: Will there be an athletic program?

A: The KSDA extra-curricular athletics program has been posted at this time.


Q: What will recess look like?

A: Students will take recess breaks in cohorts. When two classes are at recess at the same time, they will remain in cohorts and play in their own zones (we have created playable zones to distance cohorts). Outdoor recess provides opportunity for students to have a mask break in zones that maintain social distance of at least six feet. This will be highly regulated for student and staff safety.


Q: Will you be providing transportation?

A: Transportation will only be provided with our Everett van. In following state recommendations, students will have their temperatures checked and will be socially distanced as much as possible in assigned seats. Students and staff will be required to wear face coverings. The van will be deep-cleaned daily.

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